Changes and Bug Fixes in Version 3.5


New Calculational Functions
als - Alternating Least Squares computational engine.   [demo]
baselinew - Baseline using windowed polynomial filter.   [demo]
class2logical - Create a PLSDA logical block from class assignments.
coda_dw - Calculates values for the Durbin_Watson criterion of columns of data set.   [demo]
comparelcms_simengine - Calculational Engine for comparelcms.   [demo]
compressmodel - Remove references to unused variables from a model.   [demo]
durbin_watson - Criterion for measure of continuity.   [demo]
findindx - Finds the index of the array element closest to value r.   [demo]
knn - K-nearest neighbor classifier.
lsq2top - Fits a polynomial to the top/(bottom) of data.   [demo]
medcn - Median center scales matrix to median zero.
percentile - Finds percentile point (similar to MEDIAN).   [demo]
plsda - Partial least squares discriminant analysis.   [demo]
plsdaroc - Calculate and display ROC curves for PLSDA model.
registerspec - Shift spectra based on expected peak locations.
reversebytes - Flips order of bytes in a word.
wlsbaseline - Weighted least squares baseline function.
xlsreadr - Reads .XLS files from MS Excel and other spreadsheets.
New Graphical Interfaces and Tools
analysis - Graphical user interface for data analysis.
browse - PLS_Toolbox Toolbar and Workspace browser.
coda_dw_interactive - Is an interactive version of CODA_DW.
comparelcms_sim_interactive - Interactive interface for COMPARELCMS.
editds - Editor for DataSet Objects.
mplot - Automatic creation of subplots and plotting.
ploteigen - Builds dataset object of eigenvalues/RMSECV information.   [demo]
yscale - Rescales the y-axis limits on each subplot in a figure.
New Maintenance Utilities
evriinstall - Install Eigenvector Research Product.
evriupdate - Check for available PLS_Toolbox updates.
New General Purpose Utilties
besttime - Returns a string describing the time interval provided (in seconds).
createtable - Transforms binary data into text columns.
infobox - Display a string in an information box.
isfieldcheck - Utility for checking each field level in a nested structure array.
nassign - Generic subscript assignment indexing for n-way arrays.
nindex - Generic subscript indexing for n-way arrays.
plsver - Displays version information.
read_dso - Reads a single dataset object from a MAT file.
string_x - Add backslash before troublesome TeX characters.
super_reduce - Eliminates highly correlated variables.   [demo]
tconcalc - Calculate Hotellings T2 contributions for predictions on a model.